Monday, February 4, 2013


Happy Monday! Congrats to all the Raven fans out the Bears, there is always next year.
This year was the first in as long as I can remember that we chilled at home for the game. Phil, Geovana and I spent the entire game in bed which was so fun! Plus, I can't even imagine how many calories we sparred ourself this year (GO US!)

I am not sure about the rest of you, but I am not a sweets craver. I crave carbs (which, I guess is a sugar craving in essence) but rarely do I ever want something sweet, like cookies candy cake etc. Well, last night I had the WORST case of "gimme some chocolate and noone will get hurt"!!!!! I didnt want to leave the house and I don't keep much "bad" stuff stocked so I was literally up a creek without a paddle.I searched in and around every nook and cranny in this kitchen until the craving was SO BAD that I finally sat down in front of the computer and googled "sweets with whats in the pantry" or something to that extent and came across what COULD BE the best hidden gem out there:

The CUP O' COOKIE.....It isnt called that but Ive unofficially given it that title because never did I think a tiny souffle cup could be so powerful.......let's start from the beginning.

Here is the recipe link to this wondiferous (totally made that up) cup of deliciousness SO perfectly worthy of the title SHEER GENIUS:

The end result is this "cake like" single serve cookie that will 100% hit whatever spot is lacking that sweet spot!

Here is what mine looked like:

Now, in my house we are not milk drinkers....I buy Organic for Geovana's cereal and some cooking but for the most part we don't drink it. Let me tell ya, I was glad I had some in the fridge because this little dish required the perfect glass of ice cold milk to accompany it!

If you are on the late night hunt for something to cure that nagging the link. I promise you won't be disappointed!

Until next time, Xo Elaine

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